The Self-Improving Developer  ←   → 
You’ve taught yourself variables, classes, functions, objects. What next?
Chapter 12


Generics look scary. At least they looked scary to me when I first started seeing them in code, not knowing what they were. All those List<int> and Foo<T> just don’t seem too friendly to an untrained eye. But they are everywhere, and they are very useful.

Here’s an attempt to explain generic types in the most straightforward way possible, the way I would have wanted someone to explain them to me when I first encountered them.

Why generics

Imagine you’re working on a horse-riding app and at one point you realize it would be great to have a class that pairs two strings together. Let’s say you want to pair a rider’s name with a horse’s name. I know it’s a silly example, but bear with me.

class StringPair {
  String first;
  String second;

  /// The constructor. It just 
  /// assigns to the fields above.
  StringPair(this.first, this.second);

  /// A handy method.
  void describe() {
    print('$first - $second');

(This code is in Dart, but the programming language doesn’t really matter. Generics are in most modern languages. And Dart is boring enough that you shouldn’t have trouble reading the above code even if you haven’t seen the language before.)

The class StringPair is useful. It lets you pair any two strings into a single object, and it gives you a nice method to boot.

var winningTeam = StringPair('Filip', 'Horsey');

Mission accomplished, right?

Right. Except, a few weeks later, you’re working on some other part of your horse-riding app, and you realize that a pair of numbers would be also useful. So you write this:

class IntPair {
  int first;
  int second;

  /// The constructor. It just 
  /// assigns to the fields above.
  IntPair(this.first, this.second);

  /// A handy method.
  void describe() {
    print('$first - $second');

Yes, that’s right. StringPair and IntPair are exactly the same, except for that type. And then you realize you also need a PersonPair, a HorsePair, and a SugarCubePair (or whatever).

And, without generic types, you can’t really combine the classes in any meaningful way. String, int, Person, Horse and SugarCube are completely different types. Sure, you could abandon type safety and do this:

class DynamicPair {
  dynamic first;
  dynamic second;

  /// The constructor. It just 
  /// assigns to the fields above.
  DynamicPair(this.first, this.second);

  /// A handy method.
  void describe() {
    print('$first - $second');

But that sucks. Once you use DynamicPair, you’ll lose all type information. For example, nothing stops you from unwittingly creating a pair that combines two different types, like DynamicPair(42, 'Horsey'). You’ll make your code less secure, and your coding experience worse (because the IDE can’t give you good code completion, and because you’ll see errors only after you compile, not before).

Enter generics

Imagine creating a template for the compiler that says something like “I’m not sure what type will go here yet, but I’ll need many classes like this.” That’s what generics are. They are a template. (Now you also know why generics are called templates in C++.)


class Pair<T> {
  T first;
  T second;

  /// The constructor. It just 
  /// assigns to the fields above.
  Pair(this.first, this.second);

  /// A handy method.
  void describe() {
    print('$first - $second');

The <T> after Pair tells the compiler that the class is generic. It also tells the compiler that you’re going to use one type argument, and that you’re naming the argument T. The type argument is the thing you’ll later fill with concrete types such as String or SugarCube. It’s the ‘blank’ in the template. You can have more than one type argument with something like <T, S>, but let’s keep things simple here with just one.

By convention, people name type arguments with single-character names such as T or S. Technically, you can call your type arguments whatever you want. But I encourage you to keep with the convention unless you have a strong reason not to.

Most people read generics as “of”. So, you can read Pair<T> by saying “Pair of T”, and List<String> by saying “List of String”.

Once we tell the compiler about the type argument, we can use it. In the Pair example above, it’s just used twice in the code.

T first;
T second;

But those two Ts do a lot of work. Our constructor will only accept arguments that are of the same type:

// This is okay.
var winningTeam = Pair('Filip', 'Horsey');

// The following line will not compile.
var losingTeam = Pair(13, 'Scooby');

Accessing the fields will be statically type-checked.

var lucky = Pair(7, 77);

// This is okay. Compiler knows both
// fields are numbers.
var result = lucky.second / lucky.first;

// The following line will not compile.
// There is no match() method on numbers.

You’ll also get correct code completion. In other words, despite the fact there is just one generic class, it acts like it was IntPair for ints, StringPair for Strings, and so on.

You can be explicit when using a generic class, like here:

var riders = Pair<Person>(filip, someOtherFool);

Normally, at least in Dart, you don’t need this because the compiler can infer the type. It sees you’re using two persons, so it knows this is a Pair<Person>. But sometimes it’s useful to provide the type argument directly.

I guess it’s also more illustrative: you’re telling the compiler that, in case of the riders variable, T is Person.

Limiting the type

Imagine you have a class hierarchy like this:

abstract class LivingThing {
  /// Returns the current heart rate.
  int get heartRate;

  /// Returns true if this thing
  /// is healthy.
  bool get isHealthy;

class Person extends LivingThing {
  // ...

  bool get isHealthy {
    if (heartRate > 160) return false;
    if (heartRate < 40) return false;
    return true;

class Horse extends LivingThing {
  // ...

  bool get isHealthy {
    if (heartRate > 40) return false;
    if (heartRate < 30) return false;
    return true;

Now you’d like to create a generic class for groups of living things. This is different from Pair<T> above, because now T cannot accept just any type. T must now be a subtype of LivingThing. This is something you’ll often want.

The technical name for this is bounded type parameters (as in, there are bounds, limits, constrains to what the type T can be). This is what it looks like in code:

class Group<T extends LivingThing> {
  List<T> members;


  /// Returns true if everyone 
  /// in the group is healthy.
  bool performHealthCheck() {
    for (var member in members) {
      if (!member.isHealthy) {
        return false;
    return true;

Note how we can call member.isHealthy. The compiler knows the getter is there, because it knows member is of class T, and T extends LivingThing.

Also, by the way, note how we can use T as a type parameter for fields inside the class:

List<T> members;

Remember, T is just a placeholder. It will be replaced by Person or Horse. So, with this line, we’re saying: our class Group will have a list of members, and that list will only include objects of whatever type T is.

Now, you can use Group:

var stable = Group([filip, someOtherFool, horsey]);
if (stable.performHealthCheck()) {
  print('All good!');
} else {
  print('Oh no!');

In this scenario, stable is a Group<LivingThing> (because LivingThing is the only class that includes both filip and someOtherFool (who are persons) and horsey (who’s a horse)). You can also have a Group<Horse> with only horses, of course, or Group<Person> with only people.

Generics everywhere

You’ll find generics everywhere. Most (if not all) collections — such as lists, sets, maps, queues, etc. — use generics. Many libraries benefit from using generics, because they want to be type safe but also generic enough to support a variety of use cases. (And now you know why they’re called generics in Java, Dart, TypeScript, C# and many other programming languages.)

I’ve only talked about generic classes, but you can also have generic methods.

/// Toggles the existence of [attribute]
/// in a set of [attributes], regardless
/// of their type.
void toggle<T>(T attribute, Set<T> attributes) {
  if (attributes.contains(attribute)) {
  } else {

var numbers = {1, 4, 5, 10};
toggle(4, numbers);

var strings = {'healthy', 'fit'};
toggle('happy', strings);

You can also find generics inside generics, like with a Pair<Pair<int>>. I’ll let you parse what that is on your own.

Wrapping up

There you go. Generics seem very foreign at first, but they’re not terribly hard. Pair<Person> is just a “pair of person.” The T is just a placeholder for a type that could be anything.

Generics let us keep type safety while working with a variety of classes, without repetition. Type safety translates directly to things like:

Try it now

I encourage you to create a generic class or method right now, if you still have 5 minutes to spare. Research suggests that doing (instead of just reading about) something makes learning a lot more effective. If you don’t have an idea on how to apply your new knowledge, and if you don’t mind working in Dart, I made a small example for you to fix using generics.